Library of Examples

For application of homalg to Conley index theory (dynamical systems) see the homepage of conley.

Computations over commutative rings

Name Maple worksheet Text version Ring packages Reference Last modified
ConnectingHom .mws .pdf PIR Hilton, Stammbach (1997) 19.07.07
Crystallographic .mws .pdf PIR 19.07.07
Crystallographic_D8 .mws .pdf PIR 19.07.07
TwoNonIsomorphicExtensions .mws .pdf Involutive 19.07.07
Hom .mws .pdf Involutive 19.07.07
Hom(Hom(-,Z128),Z16)_On_Seq .mws .pdf PIR 19.07.07
ReflexiveHull .mws .pdf Involutive Auslander, Bridger (1969) 27.07.07
ReflexiveHull_2D .mws .pdf Involutive, QuillenSuslin Auslander, Bridger (1969) 27.07.07
2ExtensionModule_Z .mws .pdf PIR 27.02.08
2ExtensionModules .mws .pdf Involutive 27.02.08
ExtensionWithoutFilteredModule .mws .pdf Involutive 27.02.08
3ExtensionCounterExample .mws .pdf Involutive 27.02.08
2ExtensionModule .mws .pdf Involutive 27.02.08

Computations over non-commutative rings

Name Maple worksheet Text version Ring packages Reference Last modified
DerShift .mws .pdf JanetOre Barakat, Robertz, Quadrat, Robertz 19.07.07
CocycleOfExtension .mws .pdf JanetOre Hilton, Stammbach (1997) 01.08.07

Examples from Topology

Name Maple worksheet Text version Ring packages Reference Last modified
BC_2 .mws .pdf Involutive Lawson, Michelsohn (1989) 19.07.07
BZ .mws .pdf Involutive 19.07.07
BZ^3 .mws .pdf Involutive 19.07.07

Systems Theory

Name Maple worksheet Text version Ring packages Reference Last modified
Bipendulum .mws .pdf Janet Pommaret (2001) 19.07.07
Satellite .mws .pdf OreModules Kailath (1980),
Mounier (1995)