homalg: A meta-package for homological algebra

Mohamed Barakat, Daniel Robertz

The central notion of this work is that of a functor between categories of finitely presented modules over so-called computable rings, i.e. rings R where one can algorithmically solve inhomogeneous linear equations with coefficients in R. The paper describes a way allowing one to realize such functors, e.g. Hom, tensor product, Ext, Tor, as a mathematical object in a computer algebra system. Once this is achieved, one can compose and derive functors and even iterate this process without the need of any specific knowledge of these functors. These ideas are realized in the ring independent package homalg. It is designed to extend any computer algebra software implementing the arithmetics of a computable ring R, as soon as the latter contains algorithms to solve inhomogeneous linear equations with coefficients in R. Beside explaining how this suffices, the paper describes the nature of the extensions provided by homalg.
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Higher Extension Modules and the Yoneda Product

Mohamed Barakat, Barbara Bremer

A chain of c submodules E =: E0 ≥ E1 ≥ ... ≥ Ec ≥ Ec+1 := 0 gives rise to c composable 1-cocycles in Ext1(Ei-1/Ei,Ei/Ei+1), i=1,...,c. In this paper we follow the converse question: When are c composable 1-cocycles induced by a module E together with a chain of submodules as above? We call such modules c-extension modules. The case c=1 is the classical correspondence between 1-extensions and 1-cocycles. For c=2 we prove an existence theorem stating that a 2-extension module exists for two composable 1-cocycles ηML in Ext1(M,L) and ηLN in Ext1(L,N), if and only if their Yoneda product ηML o ηLN in Ext2(M,N) vanishes. We further prove a modelling theorem for c=2: In case the set of all such 2-extension modules is non-empty it is an affine space modelled over the abelian group that we call the first extension group of 1-cocycles, Ext1MLLN) := Ext1(M,N)/(Hom(M,L) o ηLN + ηML o Hom(L,N)).
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